Village trail 1.2 – Pastors

The Wiberg family in the vicarage garden. Approx. 1870.

Jordløse village trail – Green route

Jordløse country trail – Blue route



Jordløse has had many prominent pastors over the years. A list of them can be found at the bottom at this page.


Thomas Barfoed

“To the barefooted pastor of a landless town” This was how a letter was addressed to Pastor T. Barfoed in Jørdløse. Barfoed means “barefoot” and Jordløse means “landless”. It is said that he himself found it rather amusing. He was the pastor for Jordløse and Haastrup parishes from 1818-1845. He married three times and fathered 15 children. When he died in 1845, he was buried in the churchyard beside the two wives he had outlived. After his death, his third wife Catherine moved to Bogense. One of their shared grandchildren was the famous electrical entrepreneur Thomas B. Thrige. Pastor T. Barfoed wrote diaries and poems, including an amusing poem about a rat infestation titled “Rotteballaden” (“the ballad of the rats”).

Sophus Wilhelm Wiberg

“Wibergs Præstehistorie” (Wiberg’s chronology of pastors) is a massive three-volume work about every single pastor in Denmark from the Reformation until 1873. The digitisation of Wiberg’s chronology was completed on 18 October 2014. This was the work of a team of typing volunteers and took just over a year. Wiberg was the parish pastor for Jordløse and Haastrup parishes from 1858-1882. He fathered nine children with his wife Vibeke Charlotte Holm. Both he and his wife are buried at the churchyard of Jordløse church.

Pastors in Jordløse parish

Ca. 1530      Knud Nielsen
1555-1560  Thomas Ibsen
1560-1593  Jens Lauritzen Foul (Vogel) *ca. 1527 †1593
1593-1637  Christen Lauritzon, † after 1637
1637-1667  Laurits Andersson Hoff
1667-1700  Hans Lauritsen Achton
1700-1725  Laurits Nielsen Munch †1725
1725-1738  Poul Jensen Thorning *ca. 1700
1738-1751  Frederik Samuelsen  Jahn *1703
1751-1754  Andreas Andreasen Eilschou †1754
1754-1773  Laurits Lillelund *1710 †1773
1773-1798  Peder Thorsager *1734 †1798
1798-1826  Mathias Gottschalch *1756
1805-1818  Johan Frederik Kurrelbaum Rasmussen *1774
1818-1845  Thomas Barfoed *1780 †1845
1845-1858  Ditlev Carl Hoskier *1812 †1896
1858-1882  Sophus Vilhelm Wiberg *1811 †1882
1882-1896  Edvard Magnus Buch *1820 †1900
1896-1897  Mads Christian Jørgensen *1860 †1897
1897-1905  Niels Søren Emil Wille *1863 †1936
1905-1922  Laurits Christian Sørensen *1862 †1922
1922-1930  Viggo Rasmus Lassen Houmand *1896 †1969
1931-1935  Carl Erik Thaning *1905
1935-1942  Søren Dissing *1909
1943-1962  Peder Munch-Madsen *1911 †1962
1962-2000  Poul Erik Severin *1930 †2002
2000-2003  Lars Berg Thomassen
2004-          Rikke Gotfredsen